Enterprise Agreement Cloud

An EA model may still be the right choice for your business, but in today`s IT environment, the way you buy and use services has changed. It`s time to take a modern approach that reflects how your business works and gives you the flexibility to spontaneously adapt to changing conditions. A Tier 1 CSP partner can help you address operational challenges, move to the cloud with expert advice, and optimize your IT costs. The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program opens up a new world of flexibility in the purchase and management of software licenses. Instead of a 3-year commitment, as Required by Microsoft EA, Microsoft CSP is entirely month-to-month. This way, you can add or remove licenses as needed and pay only for what you actually use, saving you significantly in the short and long run. Because CSP agreements are provided through Microsoft partners, you`ll have instant access to Microsoft Premier Support – additional costs for Enterprise Agreements – with a committed team that knows you and your company, so you`ll never need to explain your problem early on whenever you need help. Microsoft`s mission is to move its enterprise customer base from traditional on-premise software to its subscription-based cloud services. Revenue from cloud commercial offerings is growing significantly, while traditional software sales are declining and mixing is weighing on Microsoft`s ability to support a multi-faceted business. Cloud acquisition, implementation, and management involve a degree of uncertainty that comes with change. Working with a CSP partner helps address this challenge.