What Is A S104 Agreement

The path to a section 104 agreement begins with an initial flood risk assessment and considers site-wide drainage requirements to ensure that local sewer and surface water drainage systems are considered and not congested. Home / Features / Getting acquainted with. Section 102 of the Water Industry Act (1991) allows a developer or individual to file an application with a water company to take over a private operating canal already installed. In a new development, the S102 process is usually followed when the new sewers are installed and commissioned before the signing of the S104 agreement and the S104 process is no longer applicable. When designing, commissioning and maintaining piping systems for adoption in Article 104 agreements, developers and their selected designers have a multitude of open product and material options and must take into account a number of considerations. Residents` associations have administrative functions, but are not landowners. In addition to the landowner, you must be a party to the agreement. A section 104 agreement (under the Water Industry Act 1991) is an agreement between a developer and a sewer company to establish sanitation systems for development. There are strict regulations in place to get an agreement that can be a minefield for developers. The process is often on the critical path of a project and the decisions involved can have huge financial implications. In Wales, mandatory building standards stipulate that an agreement under Article 104 must be concluded before development can progress.

As this legislation is likely to be implemented in England, it is important that all stakeholders in housing projects understand the process. Before the start of the construction of the sewerage system, a acceptance agreement must be concluded in accordance with § 104. A deposit is also required, which is 10% of the estimated cost of construction. In most cases, it`s simple, but in exceptional cases, such as . B an agreement under Article 104 with a developer setting up the infrastructure for a larger development site, a wider green limit is required. You need to discuss your specific needs with the development services teams. The newly elected Conservative government has committed to creating 275,000 affordable housing units by 2020. In this context, the volume of requests for section 104 agreements is expected to increase exponentially. To avoid delays and additional costs for their projects, proponents should consider drainage design and make important decisions – including the choice of materials – as early as possible. A smooth design and bidding process often means that sewers can be adopted more easily and the commitment to the developer can be reversed, often resulting in a faster and more cost-effective construction program. In order to successfully approve water management strategies and reach an agreement under Article 104, it is important to assess the needs of each site in order to provide the optimal solution. The section 104 agreement results in a drainage system that drains private areas such as roofs and driveways, as well as road drainage.

The cost of entering into this type of agreement varies depending on factors such as the size of the development and the system required. So, what information is needed for an application? Obviously, the form contains the basics of the site, the developer and all other parties to the section 104 agreement, as well as the relevant planning conditions, the number of properties, the date of initial occupancy and other standard details. Subject: Sewer Systems, Flooding and Urban Drainage, Pipes and Pipelines Tags: Legislation, Sewers by Andy Cullum, Director of Marketing and Development, Civil Polypipe Sewer drawings as built must be provided to the authority. .